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Free yourself from the sugar trap and feel in control of your eating again!

Jennifer Lipscomb

Hi, I'm Jennifer Lipscomb

Founder of the Hersoulfit Fat Loss Program

I went from feeling stuck to feeling liberated and empowered once I lost the menopausal fat that I had been battling for months.


I never had a problem with obesity growing up.

I was active as a child and I played sports in high school.  After college, I became certified as an aerobics instructor and taught classes as a side hustle while I worked another job full-time. Whether it was step-aerobics, dance aerobics, calisthenics or resistance training I taught it.  I was obsessed with fitness - not only because I wanted to keep my weight under control, but because I genuinely loved movement. 
Fast forward to my early 40s living in Germany, as I entered into what I discovered later was the perimenopausal phase - I started having severe skin flare-ups and I had more and more difficulty keeping the fat off. What worked in the past was no longer effective to keep the pounds in check. 
It was then that I started to pay closer attention to the food I was eating and my lifestyle. I had eczema my entire life but at this time my skin was the worst it had ever been as my hormones started to change, and I was gaining weight despite regular exercise.
After doing some research online for my skin issues, seeking medical advice and undergoing medical testing, I was diagnosed with low histamine sensitivity. 
I began weeding foods rich in histamine that were responsible for my skin flare-ups out of my diet.  At the same time I made the conscious decision to eliminate meat and dairy to improve my overall health and discovered that packaged, processed and ageing animal fat had lots of histamine and was the primary root cause for my skin infection. 
For months, however, my skin did not improve at all. In fact, the irritation actually increased in intensity while I adjusted to the new diet.  But eventually, after quite some time, the eczema finally went away!  The middle age bulge, however, did not.  
I knew if I could just commit to restricting sugar it would solve the problem, since I had once survived an entire 8 months without it in 2008 and successfully lost the extra weight that I had been struggling with. But eventually my willpower crashed one day when I was enticed by one Christmas cookie while we were visiting family in the US and I ended up over the course of just a few weeks gaining back all that I had lost, if not more as I continued to overeat all of the festive treats.
I felt cheated.  All that hard work sabotaged with just one bite that triggered a chain of eating episodes that led back to the weight-gain. Even the high intensity 1-hour work-outs and the longer and faster jogging sessions that I endured to counterbalance the weight-gain could not out-train my eating habits.
I was convinced deep down that full restriction was not the answer. Since the more I restricted, the more I was drawn to the exact thing I was trying to avoid. But I had no solution.
My menopausal symptoms increased, and so did my cravings.  I felt stuck in a cycle, eating more and more sugar and processed foods than I actually wanted with no idea of how to stop. And the more stressed out and frustrated I became about my weight and other challenges, the more I ate to self-soothe.  
I eventually took a fitness nutrition course to find out what I could do to fix what was broken.   I learned about the core elements of optimal nutrition and started to apply them to my diet.
As soon as I increased more whole foods in my meals, I felt significantly better. My energy increased and my skin, which had already healed from the elimination of animal fat and histamine-rich foods, actually started to glow. I was amazed at the impact that such a diet could have on my appearance!
But despite the positive results, my cravings did not go away after increasing whole foods in my diet.  I still had continuous urges for calorie-rich sweet food which didn't help me to lose the unwanted extra pounds.  I knew I had to learn how to manage my sweet tooth before I could control my overeating - especially during times of stress when I habitually ate to overcome the pressure.
That's when I realised that nutrition and exercise were just ONE PART of the equation. Creating and maintaining lifestyle habits that supported fat loss as well as helped manage stress was just as important if not more!  
After months of trial and error, I eventually lost the pesky pounds and I did not need to remove sugar, fats or carbohydrates completely out of my diet to reach my goal.  I also didn't need to count calories or macros or include very long and strenuous exercise sessions that no longer made me happy. 
I followed a simple strategy that allowed me to lose the fat fast maintaining a lifestyle that was authentic - which meant, I didn't have to give up the desserts that I loved and I only did the exercises that I enjoyed without running myself into the ground. I developed a system to protect myself from my own self-sabotaging behaviour AND to keep me consistent with the right action, which was ultimately the key to my success.  
Based on my own transformation, I've created an easy-to-follow program that anyone with a sweet tooth or menopausal cravings can use to get unstuck and achieve the fat loss results of their dreams without denying themselves or putting themselves through work-out hell.
If you want to experience the transformation that I did, join me in my FREE mini fat loss course to kick off your fat loss journey and learn some of the tools that helped me curb my cravings and manage overeating.
Hope to see you there!

